The Deception Bay Club is the home of Peninsula Fair Darts Association Inc.
The venue is primarily utilised for sport and recreation.
Renovated and the doors opened back up to the community in early 2017 after the bowls club closed down in 2015.
A non-for-profit organisation that is run completely by volunteers working on their own time.
This includes all management.
All income and donations go directly to keeping the doors open.
Primarily used for the social side of the sport of darts
with 22 dart boards available for use.
Structured social team competitions on Tuesday and Wednesday Nights
with Peninsula Fair Darts Association Inc.
For a social night of darts with your family and friends
check out our Potluck Friday.
It is also used for the sport of Gateball.
On the recreation side of things,
it is used as a home or venue for community or club related activities.
Available for local community clubs and interest groups to use for their meetings and events.
Also for public and private functions like Birthdays, Fund Raisers, Weddings, Wakes etc…
for example
the monthly $5 for charity event by The Plumbdogs.
Deception Bay Peer Support Group Monthly meet up.
Redcliffe Mums Incorporated regular Trivia nights.
Bar available with alcohol license to 11:00 PM.
A low price bar where a standard pint of beer is only $6.50
Please use our Booking Form for any venue booking requests.

Kitchen is opened
for events and functions.
Hotbox food is usually available from the bar during social darts.